Once in a while you get shone the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right!
Please help us bring Mobile Tea + Tunes + Nourishing Delights to the Playa & beyond 🌈✨🍵✨🌈
Our Vision: To mobilize the Tea & Tunes experience! Equipped with a few tools & some necessary ritual accoutrement.
Who: Sparkles Positron, Damon Soule, Katherine Spath (Moons), Julie Elin (Snowbroth) & Nome Edonna.
What: Mobilize Tea service & other spontaneous delights along with a Modular Synth & Selector Experience.
Where: Anywhere & everywhere. Our mobile caravan can pop up anywhere. The first gathering of Intergalactic Tones will be at Burningman 2024.
Why: Because sometimes the journey of the burn can break you open, push you to your edge so you can see what lies ahead or beneath the surface layers, going deeper, breathing into the shadow and with the will you may emerge stronger, lighter, illuminated with more tolerance, allowance, love & acceptance. Other times the journey teaches us through serving others, foregoing our own astral metaphysical scuba expedition & creating an opportunity to hold someone in need when they’re ready to come up for air. A warm cup of tea in hand, a nourishing cup of grandmas soup and some tunes accompanied with a smile and some entertaining banter to melt away the chill of deep isolation. And bring us back into connection.
The seed: In 2018 Sparkles fashioned her trusty analogue trike into a Mystical Mobile Tea Trike. She peddled her heart out that year! Well, really it was her knees that did all the work. Baring the wait of her vision to bring Mobile Tea service to the desert. They peddled in great earnest in search of weary travelers in need of hot tea to rejuvenate their souls wet their whistle and share a laugh while taking refuge in the desert oasis that filled their tea cups.
Making frequent stops and traveling on she served many that year in the desert. Under the heat of the sun she burned as she made her way across town storm beaten with every wave of dust and rut that tossed her woven canopy to and fro. She hauled gallons of spring water in glass jugs, fire, tea, vessels and a few dozen - of the worlds finest hand made weaving assemblages infused by the Solar Eclipse of 2017. She served tea around Playa peddled through the dark in a white out getting lost and spit out an hours later in an unrecognizable part of town but then realizing at the crossroads she was right where she’d started perhaps even farther away from her set coordinates. She was steadfast and did not waver she made it to the Man and she served the people. Mission Complete. Sparkles vowed to return with her Mystical Tea Trike one day! She left the desert that year on a quest to find what she heard rumored and mumbled on the wind and in the dust across the desert. Two words whispered in her ear. “Electric Trike”.
Manny years passed and the world grew cold and turned upside down and inside out. People became isolated and forgot their humanity. Time drug on and disappeared swallowing many. The world seemed to reboot but files were curupted. Errors in the code caused glitches in the OG OS. People began to piece together a life they once had and lost in what it could be…began to reckon with the wreckage asking themselves will we ever “GET TO GATHER AGAIN?
While traveling in the galactic sea not more than four months ago Sparkles reunited with her sisters Moons & Snowbroth in a canyon river side for the the summer solstice at the occasus solis to spin their cosmic magic and pour tea. In the Tea Temple they gathered. While just outside in the Temple grounds under starlight two Maestros lay their brushes on canvas twisting and turning in rhythm with the tunes they selected & teased. As the Tea & the Tunes flowed together they wove a dream and casting the fates they spoke aloud! A new vision a gift to the world was born! Long Live THE EXISTENTIAL ACTION TRIKE INTERGALACTIC TONES!! They took vows that night to return to the desert together with their fleet of Trikes serving Tea, Borsht, Tunes and other Mystical delights in divine service to humanities need for repair and connection. Our numbers grew and one becam two, became three became five!
Upon returning to the trees the whispers rolled in and by divine intervention Sparkles was led fortuitously to the MOON COOL. After all of these years her trusty Trike found her. Ready to be of service! Her knees begged her, she looked at the tag and said we couldn’t possibly afford such a luxurious expense. Again her knees pleaded with her! They got down and prayed even. Baby source please please help us find a way! Remembering her vows she said YES and brought her steed home.
Out in the world people had grown calloused, consumed with the disease of disconnect. They grew anxious and asked themselves is this the new normal?
Just then when all faith was waining, the faintest light was seen on the horizon. What is tha?. The ground began to rattle, the air began to pulse and bells began to chime. The smell of Grandmas Borscht and the sweetest aroma of Tea began to permeate the air. And just there in the distance a form began to take shape. Could it be? And then the Bass dropped! The break broke and before we knew it the Existential Action Trikes Intergalactic Tones landed their fleet! In an frenzie fresh off their galactic tour unfurling their rugs, sweeping and shaking off the dust from the long journey from over there to here. The water began to boil the borsht went flying, the incense burning, the tea steeped and the tunes activated bodies beckoning them home to their bodies. All began to move the disconnect began to melt and we began to see EACHOTHER again. Like a beacon of hope a promise to ourselves. The Existential Action Tones remind us to Celebrate Life and the human experience on this planet at this moment on this timeline. A new day is here if you are willing to create it with us!
How YOU can help us water this seed: We are inviting you to support our efforts in bringing our Fleet to the Desert. Three Electric Trikes have been purchased and we need one more. Below is a transparent & itemized breakdown of items we are looking to gather for this great journey to serve our fellow humans.
Moons $50 propane burner, $43 Metal Kettle, Extra Battery $500, Any love on this Trike & Cabinet $2250. Total $2843
Sparkles any love on the trike & build out $2000 Trike, $500 for spare battery, $200 Tea, $100 propane burner/propane, $40 water pitcher, $60 thermos Total $2900
Snowbroth $1700 Bike build out and materials and mobile cookware for Borscht. Total $1700
Damon Trike and build out $2000, Mobile Dj and Modular setup, $2000. $500 spare battery Total $4500
Nome Trike and build out $2000 Mobile $2000 Dj setup, spare battery $500 Total $4500
Total Goal is $16443 total haha
. ✨🙏✨